VegaLiteView type: vegalite#
- class lumen.views.base.VegaLiteView(*, spec, controls, download, field, limit, loading_indicator, pipeline, rerender, selection_group, title, name)#
VegaLite provides a declarative way to render vega-lite charts.
type: dict
default: None
- VegaLiteView.get_data()#
Queries the Source for the specified table applying any filters and transformations specified on the View. Unlike get_value this should be used when multiple return values are expected.
- Returns:
The queried table after filtering and transformations are applied.
- Return type:
- VegaLiteView.get_panel() Vega #
Constructs and returns a Panel object which will represent a view of the queried table.
- Returns:
A Panel Viewable object representing a current representation of the queried table.
- Return type:
- VegaLiteView.get_value(field: str | None = None)#
Queries the Source for the data associated with a particular field applying any filters and transformations specified on the View. Unlike get_data this method returns a single scalar value associated with the field and should therefore only be used if only a single.
- Parameters:
field (str (optional)) – The field from the table to return; if None uses field defined on the View.
- Returns:
A single scalar value representing the current value of the queried field.
- Return type:
- VegaLiteView.servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | Location = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) Viewable #
Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.
- Parameters:
title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)
location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.
area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.
target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.
- Return type:
The Panel object itself
- str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | Location = True, **kwargs) threading.Thread | Server #
Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.
- Parameters:
title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)
port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port
address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.
websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.
threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.
verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port
open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab
location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.
- Returns:
server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)
- Return type:
bokeh.server.Server or
- VegaLiteView.to_spec(context: dict[str, Any] | None = None) dict[str, Any] #
Exports the full specification to reconstruct this component.
- Parameters:
context (Dict[str, Any]) – Context contains the specification of all previously serialized components, e.g. to allow resolving of references.
- Return type:
Declarative specification of this component.
- VegaLiteView.update(*events: Event, invalidate_cache: bool = True)#
Triggers an update in the View.
- Parameters:
events (tuple) – param events that may trigger an update.
invalidate_cache (bool) – Whether to clear the View’s cache.